Billboard Premonition

Photography and video, 2020. 

Billboard Premonition introduces an object into the Mojave desert as a vehicle of potential hallucination, mirage or glitch in the system. In the video the billboard refuses to remain visible begging the question of whether it is really there. If the billboard doesn't exist, is it a collective Illusion or the unconscious speaking? If it does exist, why is it occasionally mirroring the landscape and creating a disconnect by selling that which surrounds it? The landscape in which the billboard sits is private military land in which to gain access a person must have government clearance. Through the intermittent and unknown frequency of the billboards appearance, the site is confronted with itself as well as future imaginations of similar landscapes on Mars (from Hollywood, Nasa or SpaceX). As a billboard commonly functions as a space for advertising, the encounter between landscape and imagery of land-based actions forces a review of what is being sold and what is being bought.
(Billboard Premonition was first exhibited as part of the Plymouth Biennale, July 2021.)

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