On the Map

Multi-media: Photography (2020), carpet (2023), live performance and installation (2024)

On the Map features an aerial view of a military site in the Mojave Desert, USA, which Yoland visited in 2019. Working from memory and ground-level photographic documentation, Yoland retraced their movements within the military zone, marking known and possible positions with red and orange dots, respectively. Yoland then printed this map onto a carpet, inviting visitors to walk or sit on it while exploring books on themes of territory, borders, and conflict, which are arranged on the ground. Additionally, videos created by Yoland inside the military simulation grounds are available for viewing, offering a unique perspective of being both above and within the simulated environment.

(Above:) Installation view at Voloshyn Gallery (Miami, US) in the exhibition ‘No Grey Zones’, 2023.

(Above:) Installation view (carpet and video) at Voloshyn Gallery (New York, US) in the exhibition ‘Avert Your Eyes’, 2024. Books on the carpet offer the visitor information on the themes of desertscapes, war simulations, conflict, territory and colonisation. Books in this image are Astrotopia: The Dangerous Religion of the Corporate Space Race (Mary-Jane Rubenstein), Necropolitics (Achille Mbembe) and Simulating War (Philip Sabin).

(Above and below:) Close-ups of the map with red and orange dots. 

(Above and below:) Details of On the Map as a carpet in Voloshyn Gallery. 

(Above:) Details of books on the carpet which offer the visitor information on the themes of desertscapes, simulations, conflict and territory. Books in this image are Deserts Are Not Empty (Edited by Samia Henni) and Simulating War (Philip Sabin). 


© Copyright K. Yoland 2025